Monday, September 19, 2011

Poetry Reading Event

Saturday, September 24 · 4:00pm - 7:00pm
Kanoria Girls' College Auditorium
Gandhi Statue Circle, Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg
Jaipur, Rajasthan
This multilingual poetry reading event is a part of the global event called " 100 Thousand Poets for Change" the documentation of which will be preserved by Stanford University, California, USA. Poets, writers, artists, environmentalists and humanitarians are invited to create, perform, share and demonstrate their own specific area of focus for change within the framework of peace and sustainability. The programs scheduled in the event in Jaipur are:
1. Essay Writing Competition on " Bias-free Society" for College Students
2. Panel Discussion by leading educationists and activists of Jaipur
3. Poetry Reading in English, Hindi, Urdu and other languages
Contact for information, participation and queries:
Michael Rothenberg, Founder

Kindly do share your vision.
Dr. L. P. Mahawar, Organizer for Jaipur
+91 9414280324

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