Thursday, January 5, 2012

सदा फर्स्ट इंटरनैशनल कांफेरेंस (२७-२९ जन २०१२)


(Society for Analysis, Dialogue, Application and Action )

(Regn. No. 254/Jaipur/2009-10)

in collaboration with

Department of Urdu & Persian

University of Rajasthan, Jaipur (India)

organizes its

First International Conference

on the theme

“Behaving Beyond Barriers, Boundaries & Biases: Creativity, Criticality & Communication”

(Multilingual, Multidisciplinary & Multimedia)

(27-29 January, 2012)
Sub-themes& Key-words:

Interdisciplinarity, Multidisciplinarity & Transdisciplinarity

Bilinguality, Multiliguality &Translinguality

Iconicity & Iconoclasm

Stereotyped Sets, Stati & Systems

Singularity, Mutiplicity & Amorphousness

(Post)modernism & (Post)criticality

Autonomy & Disciplinarity

Reality& Authenticity

Transcultural Interface

Modular Teaching

Alternatives, Alterations & Altercations

Historicity & Historiography

Concept Note:

The materials, methodologies and tools of research and instructional strategies of teaching in different disciplines have constantly been questioned, interrogated, revised and reframed in observance of the challenges posed by the milieu concerned. Boundaries of different disciplines which were islands unto themselves are eroding fast and are reduced to almost imaginary lines and the strict disciplinarians find themselves lodged in no man’s land. In times where the flux prevails, a researcher or a teacher has to undergo a sea change in order to update himself or herself. With this objective in its epicenter, this conference seeks to find answers to the What, Why and How questions of research in different disciplines. In a country like India, where diversity of languages plays magical role in conveyance of the meaning and where ‘English’ world (academia writing in English) is looked up to with reverence and awe, a dialogue is mandatory between/ among languages/ disciplines for their mutual benefits.

The conference seeks to look into the significant aspects that are being critically discussed pan globally. Specifically issues concerning how we behave towards the limits, boundaries, barriers and biases that have been/ are being created because of the erstwhile hangovers of ethnicity, caste, class, gender, age etc. Having opened up this space, the conference intends to home in onto these dialectics being used for creativity, criticality and communication. This seeks to find alternatives in research, teaching and life or to promote alternatives existing already, sidelined, unexplored or used less in order to forestall the stagnant style, overused statuses, politicized patterns, decadent systems, monopolized marketing/ marketeering, and stereotyped sets.

Special sessions dedicated to noted writers from English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Urdu and Persian who have professed such concerns are also stipulated.

Speakers @ the conference:

Dr. Marie Arndt, UK/ UAE

Prof. Fazl-e-Imam Rizvi

Dr. Amrendra Sharma, Oman

Keep visiting the link for updated details:

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